Signature Massage
In this extraordinary massage experience, we will have a brief consultation where we talk about what you perceive your issues to be. Then I get to work on your body, and open myself to receive messages on your behalf. We may talk a little or a lot during your massage, depending on what I am guided to do. During your massage, I may go quiet for a brief time while I receive guidance. I may be guided to use specific crystals or oils or to work on areas you didn’t know needed attention! Once your massage is over, I will offer you the opportunity to have a debriefing session where I provide recommendations on how to continue on your healing journey.
120 MINUTES - $220
90 MINUTES - $160
75 MINUTES - $135
60 MINUTES - $110
Your massage also includes hot towel, essential oils, and warm eye pillow.
Signature Massage + Intuitive Healing
Add intuitive healing to your massage session!
I am a hybrid energy healer and use a combination of energetic healing techniques. Your healing session may include any of the following: chakra balancing, sound healing, singing bowls, Tibetan bells, crystal work, meridian point work, reading your energy field, clearing energetic blockages, emotional release work, intuitive messages, card reading, and/or essential oils.
120 MINUTES - $267
(100 minutes table work + 20 minutes of channeling & oracle card reading)
90 MINUTES - $230
(70 minutes table work + 20 minutes of channeling & oracle card reading)
60 MINUTES - $183
(40 minutes table work + 20 minutes of channeling & oracle card reading)
Your massage also includes hot towel, essential oils, and warm eye pillow.
Chair Massage
Great for in the office spot work, if you have limited time on your hands. 10 mins gives you tension relief in the muscles, increased blood flow, and productivity.
30 MINUTES - $60
20 MINUTES - $40
15 MINUTES - $30
10 MINUTES - $20
Sound Healing
The experience of sound healing aligns you body utilizing Tibetan bells that bring your energy back to balance adding mental, physical, and emotional calm.
Crystal Roller Facial and Scalp Massage
Try our new Crystal Roller Facial and Scalp Massage, relax with a facial massage follow by a facial mask, hot towel, a cold crystal rollers, and finally a soothing peppermint scalp massage.
Nourishing Feet
Add a Nourishing Feet treatment including hot towels paired with whipped Shea butter and an essential oil blend to rejuvenate dry skin. This 30 minute treatment also includes reflexology, and can be booked as either a stand-alone appointment or as an add-on.
Himalayan Salt Stone
Add Himalayan Salt Stones to your massage. Himalayan Salt Stones contain 84 essential minerals. The benefits include skin and body detox, replenishing essential minerals, relaxing muscles and releasing tension, stimulating circulation, reducing inflammation and negating ions from EFT.
Warm Hand mask
(coming this November) - Gentle warm hand massage.
Reiki Healing
Experience Multi-Dimensional Healing with a Reiki Healing Session. I am a Shambella Reiki Master, and am pleased to offer sessions to assist you in healing and in your spiritual development.
60 MINUTES - $125
30 MINUTES - $85
Raindrop Technique®
Young Living’s proprietary Raindrop Technique® combines unique, targeted massage and energy approaches with pure, authentic essential oils for a deeply harmonizing, rejuvenating, and relaxing experience. The technique, developed by Young Living Founder and CEO D. Gary Young, draws from his experience with Native American wellness traditions and provides a revolutionary means of nurturing harmony—physically, mentally, and emotionally. This deeply relaxing treatment includes energy work, hot towels, and light massage on your legs.
75 MINUTES - $150
Channeled Messages & Oracle Readings
During an oracle card reading, I will connect with you over the phone or video chat. In our session I will pull one or more cards from one of my oracle decks and channel messages to provide you with guidance on an issue of your choosing.
60 MINUTES - $145
30 MINUTES - $80
End of Life Transition Care
If you or a loved one is nearing your transition from the Earthly plane, please contact me to discuss options for massage and intuitive services that can help ease physical and spiritual discomfort during transition. I am experienced in providing hospice care massage and spiritual support.
Space Clearing
A space clearing session can help to clear unwanted energies from your space. This service is perfect for anyone who is moving into a new home, entering a new phase of life, or is feeling dense, heavy, or negative energy in their physical environment. Smudging with sage and clearing negative entities promotes positive energy and can help you to feel lighter and more at peace.
Sometimes I offer special services or packages. Be sure to use the online booking link to view my current specials. You can either book your special service online, or call me and ask for the special.
I accept all major credit and debit cards, HSA and FHA cards, Zelle, and cash.
I offer a First Responder discount of10% off on every session. Active and Retired First Responders are eligible for this discount that is offered in sincere appreciation of your service.
Please call me for an appointment or book online.
Be sure to check out our online booking link for our current specials.
Please call me for an appointment or book online